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How AI, Robots are Helping Hiring

How AI, Robots are Helping Hiring
25 Sep, 2018 By Ian Munene News 1042

The Years now many companies has been scanning resumes with automated systems to find keywords for their potential staff to weed out the crowd of thousands that apply for a job. using a system such as an application tracking system, or commonly called talent tracking system.

Nearly all fortune 500 companies use some form of automation, to pre-qualify candidates using their resumes or actually doing the interviews.

Deepsense, is now helping hr managers scan peoples social media accounts to surface underlying traits, they say they use scientific based personality traits.

Hirehive another company. asses a potential staff video interview, generating recommended people for a particular job opening.   

in a Wall Street Journal article, Cornell sociology and law professor Ifeoma Ajunwa said she is concerned, with the bias these systems may have.

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