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Reasons Why a Professional Email Is a Must Have

Reasons Why a Professional Email Is a Must Have
28 May, 2024 By Rhoda Okono Explainer 101

Reduce Spam incidences

A professional email address reduces the risk of your mail being reduced to junk. Spammers often are not very trustworthy people, and usually use free email addresses. As such, most spam filters are more aggressive with free accounts. Whilst using a professional email, you will see an increase in delivery rates.



Having a professional email address is a big part of maintaining a unified company image. Every time you send an email with your company name in, you are effectively sending an individual piece of marketing. It is the virtual equivalent of telling someone about your business. By having a professional email address, users will be able to easily associate your email address with your company and easily find your website if they want more information about your products and services. Therefore, it is important to make sure that your email portrays your brand in a positive light and makes your business look professional and reputable. Branding is not just for large corporations, it’s important for small businesses as well. Branding is more than just an image. It’s your reputation, how people perceive you. It’s how they feel about your products or services, and your customer service team.


Securing Privacy

Hacking is at an all-time high. Entrusting your data online has its consequences, because of the impending dangers of viruses that snoop and hack through your private data. Many professional email hosts have some repelling capacities to hackers and viruses. It is important to check the repelling capabilities of your email subscription, or even give it a boost.


Trust & Credibility

Having your business name within your email address makes it appear more interesting. A professional email address creates a sense of trust, especially if it is from a credible website. This will boost your company’s potential to attract new customers. Additionally, potential clients are more likely to open emails sent from professional-looking addresses than they are from email addresses ending in @yahoo, @gmail, @hotmail, @aol etc. As customers start to recognise and remember your company name from your email address, they will become more familiar with your brand and more likely to further engage with you.


Connect by Personalizing Emails

Connecting with your customers starts by personalizing how you communicate with them via email newsletters. You can include a personal greeting for each subscriber, as well as develop custom fields to match the preferences of smaller groups of subscribers. The way you personalize a professional email for business is not as important as making sure you add a personal touch to each electronic correspondence.

Personalized email messages increase click-through rates by 14% and customer conversions by 10%. Targeted emails written for segmented groups of subscribers help generate 58% of an average company’s revenue. Some online marketers attribute personalized segmented campaigns to increasing sales by more than 700%.


Get Organized

A hosted email address makes using any calendar software (Outlook or other) a breeze. Getting organized helps create a healthy work environment. Your colleagues will thank you for it. Keeping track of all your communications with a generic email address can quickly become confusing, especially if you have a personal Gmail account and a business Gmail account. Customer emails can get mixed up between your personal and company emails and you won’t be able to find a particular message.



Having your own custom business email address gives you control and organizes your system. Through this process, you can easily create email addresses for new employees in your company and gives you the convenience of monitoring the inactive ones.

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